1 Vote Counts Civic Engagement and Empowerment
Prison Ministry

Returning Citizens are far too often overlooked, underserved, and disenfranchised. The United States has some of the highest recidivism rates in the world. Around 44% of former inmates return to prison within one year of release. The penal system has inadvertently positioned the incarcerated to fail. There are numerous factors and policies that contribute to their failure and recidivism. One major reason is the challenge to transition from a system that lacks the skills and commitment, to prepare inmates to adjust and successfully navigate back into society.
As of 2023, there are roughly 1.9 million people incarcerated in the United States,73,000 are in Pennsylvania, 803,000 people are on parole, and a staggering 2.9 million people are on probation, “Pennsylvania has an incarceration rate of 659 per 100,000 people (including prisons, jails, immigration detention, and juvenile justice facilities), meaning that it locks up a higher percentage of its people than almost any democracy on earth.” Pennsylvania Policy Initiative
Most Pennsylvania returning citizens leave correctional institutions having paid their debt to society with limited knowledge of their citizen rights and even fewer opportunities to help them successfully contribute, engage, and give back to the communities they reside in.

The Question is Why?
What educational preparation is provided to develop their knowledge regarding civic engagement such as:
• Understand the Constitution.
• Understand the issues shaping your community.
• Understand the electoral process.
• Understand their personal political power.
• Understand their civil rights.
• Understand the power of their vote.

Read the Prison Policy Initiative full report, with detailed data visualizations at: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023.html.
Highest incarceration rate & total number of inmates: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/incarceration-rates-by-country
Recidivism rate: https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/recidivism-rates-by-state/
History of the loss of rehabilitation in jails: https://harvardpolitics.com/recidivism-american-progress/
Economic loss from current prison system: https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/recidivism-rates-by-state/
More statistics: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/recidivism_and_reentry/
Need for community connection: https://cops.usdoj.gov/html/dispatch/04-2022/reintegration_resources.html

1 Vote Counts is a nonpartisan organization founded by Michelle Mardenborough in May 2020 on the cusp of the 2020 election. Through bold grassroots operations, 1 Vote Counts champions an equitable and inclusive democracy for marginalized communities, youth, and citizens returning from incarceration. 1 Vote Counts is committed to dismantling myths by educating, registering, and engaging these communities on the significant role of all citizens in the electoral process and that their vote counts.
The Challenge

In life, your choices may lead you in the wrong direction or worse yet, lead you to incarceration. However, once time has been served and your debt has been paid, society should not continue to penalize you. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and 1 VOTE COUNTS INC understand that every citizen deserves a second chance. Pennsylvania is one of 13 states that automatically restores voting rights to individuals once their prison sentence is completed. Unfortunately, many Pennsylvanians do not realize that if you have been convicted of a crime such as a felony and have served your time you are still eligible to vote. Those on probation or parole are also eligible to vote. There are numerous misinformed, eligible voters who have completed their sentence or are on probation and parole, who are totally unaware of their right to vote. Many believe their prison record denies them their constitutional right to vote. However, being misinformed, unaware and uneducated regarding your civic rights and civic duty will imprison you to a lifetime of civil silence.
The Proposed Solution
​It is absolutely important that incarcerated individuals are registered to vote, however, it is critical that they are knowledgeable, empowered and exercise their right to vote while incarcerated. Educated, empowered voters understand their constituent influence, the issues at hand and the value of their voice and their vote. Even while incarcerated, they understand the freedom and power of the ballot. They vote not only in presidential elections but in local elections. When released they are familiar with the political landscape and aggressively support causes that impact their communities. Many become legislative advocates, and civically involved in their neighborhoods and school board. Most importantly, they are active voters that encourage and influence others to vote. It is for this reason that 1 VOTE COUNTS INC strongly encourages disseminating training, tools and skills that empower disenfranchised communities. Especially, the returning citizen within our prison population. We believe this is a missed opportunity. A major segment of our electoral program is directed towards educating returning citizens on their right to vote in Pennsylvania.


Lead Facilitator -Tamara Joel Geary
It brings me joy to encourage the women. Looking into their eyes when they speak their truth, letting them know I hear them , I see them. I’m not here to judge but to love them. Not only do I encourage the women they encourage me as well. Compassion is my passion. Thank you for entrusting 1 vote counts with the women at DCP.
This is my Why.

Senior Facilitator - Kimberly Britton
I am committed to helping the men and women who are incarcerated who suffer from the lack of faith and commitment to change. My purpose as I see it is my personal journey being incarcerated in the past and making the same mistakes repeatedly. As a person in long term recovery, I can share the importance of meditation by reading the curriculum provided Motivating Moments. Each person can benefit from resetting the button on past mistakes and opening your mind in order to persevere through uncertainty.
This is my Why.


Facilitator - Ruth Carrasquillo
I consider it a privilege and an honor to be a part of the One Vote Counts organization. As a facilitator and assistant to the residents in J block, I have been blessed to meet and interact with a special group of ladies. In my commitment, I convey to the residents that they are “seen” and not judged by this organization. It’s important as we engage with them, that they understand they are not their mistakes, but every day is an opportunity to learn, improve and set goals that can change the trajectory of their future.
This is my Why.

Facilitator – Shauntee Penn
The experience at the prison has been eye opening and life changing. When I was introduced to the opportunity, I did not know what to expect. I was curious, nervous, anxious, and transparently unsure. The truth is, it had been uplifting, humbling, encouraging and a blessing in my life. I work on J block with the women in treatment and recovery. Their strength and courage have allowed me to reflect on my own life in a way that I never have before. I easily could have been in very same position, and I recognize the power of God in the details of each of our paths. We are there to teach and guide but some of the best moments are when the women bless us with words of wisdom! Seeing a person beyond their circumstance is the beauty of the work. I love that our connections are God led self-discovery and growth…my why is simple…why not! Why is so much greater than me. It has truly been a blessing and am looking forward to continued partnership with Dauphin County Prison Leadership and Staff on ways to build in the community on crime prevention, early intervention on family support connections to break generational barriers.
This is my Why.


Senior Facilitator –Councilman Lamont Jones
The reason I want to facilitate (educate) the residents of DCP is to one, teach them the importance of voting, especially on the local level. I believe it's vital to teach marginalized populations how to make life better for themselves. Without the proper knowledge, information, and guidance, these populations will continue to be held back, and those same communities will continue to suffer.
This is my Why.

Facilitator –Bridgette Watson
I can only say to the people that wonder why I do the work of prison ministry . God's grace and mercy that brought me up and out of the shackles that had me bound to a life of drugs and crime. My true purpose is to help others to know that change is possible for anyone who desires to change and even those who believe it impossible. I am them and they were once me and valid evidence speaks volumes so I shout hope and perseverance with my love from the love of God...
This is my Why.



Is a 10-week course designed to give the participant a comprehensive understanding of the framework of government and the electoral process on the national and local level. The course will enlighten you on the significance of personal political power and how to develop, support and build a pipeline of community leaders.
THE PURPOSE is to understand the role and responsibility of becoming an active, involved citizen who brings individual and collective power to the electoral process through community engagement, accountability, and the power of their vote.
Many individuals minimize civics to politics alone. However, civics is much more than politics, it involves the interaction and engagement of people partnering to build and advocate for better communities, schools, and day to day life.
In this workbook we will not only learn about the foundation of the US government, political parties, how bills are passed, and laws are made; we will learn how the interface with elected officials and community representatives, communicate perspectives and arguments, and plan strategically for civic change. Our goal is to develop a pipeline of engaged, change agents.
Course Overview / Syllabus, Curriculum
1 Vote Counts Civics 101 Workbook
Our Committed Facilitators
1 Vote Counts Instructors
Tamara Joel Geary
Kimberly Britton
Bridgette Watson
Lamont Jones
Shauntee Penn
Ruth Carrasquillo
Michelle Mardenborough​
1 VOTE COUNTS is committed to Inspiring, Empowering, Educating, and Engaging our most vulnerable citizens on the significance and role of all citizens in the electoral process. We understand that knowledge is power therefore, 1 VOTE Counts is committed to educate, engage and empower the youth, reentrants, and our underserved community on the imperativeness of becoming an active, accountable citizen.
Our Goal is to build civic strength and power in our backyards. This power can only be realized through a prioritization of understanding government and civics. We must totally comprehend our constitutional rights and the foundation of the government we reside in. We must understand the different branches of government, how a bill becomes law, the role of a political party and the electoral process. It is imperative that we shift the mindset, awaken the dormant and assert our political power. It is time we realized that politics is not a bad word.
We Believe when all individuals are informed on issues that negatively impact their neighborhoods, they utilize the vote to make a positive, change.